SV Laurin in The Netherlands

SV Laurin in The Netherlands

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Days 98 & 99: 18th and 19th September 2017 We got the roof down!


As we were running out of fresh fruit and veg we decided a trip to Propriano was in order. The weather forecast was for sun in the morning and rain in the afternoon so we decided to do school in the afternoon so that we could put the top down on the car!

We tried Carrfour this time as it is what we are used to but there seemed a decided lack of their value brand products so the food bill was again quite large. Back to Casino if we need another shop before we leave.

School in the afternoon is always a challenge as AJ really appreciates routine and school in the afternoon is definitely a break from routine, however we pressed on with French, History, English and Maths whilst observing the change in view as Campomoro clouded over and it began to rain.

A bit of a disaster for tea as the steak I cooked was really tough... going to have to be creative in how I cook the other 2 portions which are in the freezer. Lots more story time today and then playing cards before bed.


School in the morning and AJ requested an easy maths day so I printed out some maths colouring and did a bargain that if this was all the maths he was doing then he also did some work with Dad on the rock formations we had visited on Sunday. Tantrums from both kids during school today but eventually we were done and AJ requested to revisit the rocks so he could collect some samples.

After lunch there was much disgust at our plan to walk the other way round the hill to the rocks as AJ wanted to take the shorter route, however once we were walking both kids enjoyed running ahead and hiding from us, and the inevitable scrambling on rocks in our path.

Occasionally there would be a fork in the path where we would take differing routes and then meet up again however on the last one of these Esmé and I went the wrong way and lost the boys for about 15 minutes.

Luckily there were plenty of people coming the other way so I could use my best French to ask if they had seen a man with a boy so at least we knew that we were heading in the right direction. We eventually found them at a small rocky beach where they were busy collecting stones. Esmé (AKA Maca Paca) quickly joined in and enjoyed some time with Dad.

On the way back we stopped to watch a solo diver launching his "craft" but with his enormous flippers he was soon too far away for us to see him dive.

We also caught up with Matthew from DMS today who had just got hold of the prices he needed to finish our quote which he promised to do this evening. It feels pretty uncomfortable to be reliant on somebody else to keep our adventure on track. We couldn't in all honesty have stayed at Port Napoleon living on the hard but I can't help wondering if progress may have been quicker if we were on site, or at least we would have a better understanding of what was going on.

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