SV Laurin in The Netherlands

SV Laurin in The Netherlands

Saturday 10 August 2024

Summer Cruise 2024 31st July - 10th August: The Grevelingenmeer with our Dutch friends

 Wednesday 31/07/24 Goes to Mosselbanken (17Nm)

The Dutch were keen to get moving as they’d been in Goes since Saturday. There were limited bridge openings but the 1pm bridge looked like a good bet and would just about give us time to get up to the Grevelingenmeer, our favourite Dutch cruising ground. We still had work to do on the holding tank and to be honest also the headsail but that was less time critical. We also had to stock up with groceries and water, not forgetting having a last goodbye pastry breakfast with Steve and Dee. 

Martijn kindly gave Steve and Dee a lift to the station and then very quickly we were ready for off. The kids requested a crew swap so Jazz came with us while AJ took the opportunity to jump on Lynan. AJ got the better sail, partly because Lynan is faster but also because we were nursing our damaged headsail. 

After going through the Bruinisse Lock we pulled in to the big Bruinisse Marina to by chips and our weekly ticket for the Grevelingenmeer (Brilliant value at just over 25 Euros) so we could moor up on the islands. We then headed over to Mosselbanken to chill out and watch a lovely sunset.

Thursday 01/08/24: Mosselbanken to Stampersplaat (7Nm)

Another crew swap and another motor for Laurin with AJ delighted to be on the boat that actually sailed. At Stampersplaat we initially came alongside a beautiful Dutch Barge with a lovely family on board and rewarded their hospitality with a box of Lego that was now surplus to requirements on Laurin and taking up space. We then set to dropping our Genoa and starting the repair. I dug out my trusty speedy stitcher and the repair tape from Jos Boone and spent the next 2 or more hours sat in the sun repairing the UV strip on the sail. It was slow work but I did get faster with time and had lovely company not only from Monique and Martijn but also some of the other people moored on the island, particularly Katja who was a fountain of knowledge on Ooltgensplaat, but more of that later!

Once the sail was repaired we moved Laurin alongside Lynan who had found a spot next to the wall and enjoyed a chilled out evening.

Friday 02/08/24: Rest Day on Stampersplaat 

Nothing much to report for Friday other than Martijn turning on the engine to recharge batteries and noticing he had VERY little diesel in the tank. We scrabbled around and found a litre or so in the bottom of one of our jerry cans and he headed off to Brouwershaven to fill up, holding his breath and having all fingers and toes crossed! Patrick and I enjoyed a well earned rest day, whilst Esme and Jazz enjoyed watching the wild horses on the island. The paddle board was pumped up and the kids played. Bliss!

Saturday 03/08/24: Stampersplaat to Den Osse (3Nm)

We were quite keen to get to Den Osse as we’d met some people in a lock who’d said that the waiting list was now 1 to 2 years rather than the 5 years we were quoted last year. AJ yet again jumped ship but this time Laurin managed to get some sailing in… testing out my repair! Once there AJ very quickly borrowed one of the club Pico’s and enjoyed a very breezy sail.

On chatting with the Harbourmaster, we found out that the waiting list was indeed 1-2 years (which will suit us fine) but we need to apply to be members and put on the waiting list. The board then need to approve us! I figured it might be good to meet members of the board so that they could put a name to a face and as luck may have it, there was a pot luck supper that evening! The kids were a bit nervous to just rock up so Patrick and I went, taking our best English Lancashire Bomb cheese and leaving the kids to hang out with our Dutch friends. We very quickly made some new German friends but nobody seemed too sure about needing the board approval to join the waiting list. We eventually identified a member of the board and said hello but were left with the impression that approval was just a formality. 

Sunday 04/08/24: Den Osse, shopping and Jeanzz

Patrick, Esme and I got an earlyish start to borrow some bikes (way too big for me with scary backwards peddling brakes) to go get shopping at the Plus supermarket in nearby Scharendijke. I may have nearly run Esme over and did I say… I really dislike those bikes! Once back I did a bit more laundry, enjoyed a chill and shower, and then we all headed over to Jeanzz for dinner. We’d eaten here a couple of times last year and it didn’t disappoint. Awesome mussels, ribs and waffles for desert!

Monday 05/08/24: Den Osse to Haven West Repart (3Nm)

Esme’s Dyslexia Tutor, Sarah and her family were holidaying close by so we arranged to meet them at the South West Corner of the Grevelingenmeer. Patrick and I had spotted the stagings last year when we had driven to check out Helevetsluis as a potential home port and I had been intrigued by what seemed to be a kids playground in the water! The little harbour was VERY busy but Martijn spotted a 10m boat coming out of a tiny gap on the pontoon and suggested that I moor there and then he raft alongside. I did a first pass, trying to measure up and wasn’t sure… not helped by the the guy on the boat behind telling us there wasn’t enough space. With our port prop kick there was no escape route should it all go wrong so  I bottled it and then Martijn proved the point by putting the slightly bigger Lynan in the gap. He did have the decency to say that he only did it as his prop kick is the other way!

I went to explore the climbing area with E and Jazz and no sooner had we got there than Sarah text to say she’d arrived. We spent the rest of the afternoon hiding in the slight bit of shade we could get from some bushes next to the inland beach, chatting and watching the girls.

All too soon Sarah and family left us (it was really hot and it would have been really challenging getting their dog, Tilly across both boats to chill out on board). However we made plans to take them out for a sail later in the week. In the evening we all walked over to the North Sea Beach for a drink at the beach bar and to watch the sun set.

Tuesday 06/08/24 Haven West Repart to Archipel (6Nm)

A short sail to the lovely (and AJ’s favourite) islands of Archipel. Lots of chilling out, paddle boarding and swimming to get out of the heat.

Wednesday 07/08/24 Archipel to Bruinisse and a joy ride with the Bramhams (15Nm)

An earlyish start to get into the big marina at Bruinisse to make sure we got a place. We rafted up alongside Lynan and waited for the Bramhams (complete with dog Tilly). It was a bit of a mission to get her across Lynan and on to Laurin but once we were under way she loved being on board. 

That evening the girls played in the big paddling pool at the marina reliving their early childhood and we enjoyed take away pizza from the marina shop.

Thursday 08/08/24 Bruinisse to Goes (19Nm)

With heavy winds forecast for Friday and our Dutch friends needing to be back at work on Monday we decided to accompany them back to Goes in order to maximise our time together. Esme also wanted to go to the swimming pool at Goes with Jazz. We retraced our earlier steps (this time minus the crew swap) and enjoyed a pleasant sail back. The only slight concern was that Goes was very busy and there was no guarantee of a berth for us (meaning we might need to go to the marina in the centre rather than our favourite club where our friends would be). In the end they made space for us even thought it was quite “interesting” getting in.

Friday 09/08/24 and Saturday 10/08/24

A bit of boat shuffling, paddle boarding, swimming, games nights, shopping and jobs followed by a visit to the fairground which was enjoyed by some more than others!