SV Laurin in The Netherlands

SV Laurin in The Netherlands

Where are we?

Scroll down for the AIS tracking map (see bottom of page for explanations) ...

Click to open Inreach Map in new window

Click to open Vesselfinder AIS map in new window

We have two methods of sending our position to tracking websites

Our Garmin InReach sends our position from anywhere in the world to a satellite network. Our position is (currently) updated manually once a day

Our AIS transceiver constantly transmits our position to receiving stations (mostly other vessels). Our position is only received by tracking websites if we are in range of a shore station connected to the internet (our position is unlikely to be updated whilst we are in the heart of France or if we are more than 10 to 15 miles offshore)

Neither tracking system is 100% reliable and followers should not become concerned if we "disappear" or our position does not change. We are very unlikely to be in difficulties, we are most likely out of range of a receiving station or we've forgotten to "ping" our position!

(Laurin carries all the necessary safety equipment to issue a distress call direct to the authorities and our designated shore contacts in the extremely unlikely event of an emergency)

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