SV Laurin in The Netherlands

SV Laurin in The Netherlands

Saturday 12 August 2017

Day 61: 12th August 2017 Maxilly Sur Saone... the end of the canal!

Today we had a relatively short hop of 20km to Maxilly at the end of the Champagne Bourgogne canal. From tomorrow the locks will be few and far between unlike the last week or so where boatschool has been somewhat disrupted due to locks being negotiated every 15 to 30 minutes.

We made an earlyish start due to our precarious position rafted outside Polux on the dolphin. As it is Saturday there was no formal school although Esmé wrote a lovely page of writing about the Eiffel Tower which she stuck in her memory book that her school friends gave her.

AJ was particularly interested in helming today, both in the canals, and driving us out of locks. This was a big achievement for him as he had a little wobble the other day when his driving out of a lock didn't go exactly to plan. We were really proud of him giving it another go and doing it well. He also learned the art of lassoing bollards in locks.

As we arrived early in Maxilly Esmé and I went in search of the Boulangerie for bread but unfortunately it was shut for August so we had crepes for lunch instead, as well as sampling the luncheon meat that I had mistakenly bought thinking it was bacon grill which we all love. Patrick and I were definitely underwhelmed by it but thought it might supplement pasta at some point, AJ said it was ok as emergency rations, and Esmé loved it!

As we were tidying up lunch Esmé came to find me talking about finding apples. She had found an apple tree and was busy trying to knock apples down. We went and collected some in a bag and then added them to the blackberries she picked yesterday before stewing them for future eating. Perhaps they will be breakfast with our home made yoghurt. I'm sure we would have all loved a crumble but I'm not sure the boat oven is up to that!

After a while the Danes arrived and the kids played ashore pretty much all afternoon. AJ came wanting me to get our tent out but as its buried in the forepeak I refused. Instead I got out some rope, lightweight picnic blanket and their den building kit to help him build one. AJ was not too impressed but Esmé seemed interested so I helped her make a simple shelter using a rope between two posts and stones to hold down the edges of the sheet before I retired to the boat to read. As I was relaxing I was vaguely aware of noises on the front of the boat but didn't really register what was going on until about 10 minutes later Esmé came asking for the hammer to bang the peg in.... she had dragged one of our mooring stakes out of the anchor locker to use for her den which was now much improved!

All in all a pleasant and relaxed day. Onwards to Auxonne tomorrow where we plan to stay for a couple of nights.

1 comment:

  1. Wow well done AJ we are very impressed. Esme how many apples are in that bag, what a find. Love to you both from Nana and Grandad xxxxxxxx xxxxxx
