SV Laurin in The Netherlands

SV Laurin in The Netherlands

Sunday 22 October 2017

Day 132: 22nd October 2017 Here comes the wind!

We had a lovely lie in followed by pancakes for breakfast. Then on to boatschool which wasn't without its dramas as we had had 3 days off. My plan for Patrick to do the laundry while I did school with the kids was thwarted by the Italians putting the washing machine in the ladies toilets and after 3 attempts to get the correct coinage or tokens for the machine whilst no progress was being made with boatschool I gave it up as a bad job. There wasn't a dryer anyway so we'll find a laundrette tomorrow.

Once I had had a meltdown the kids were more conducive to producing some writing, even if it was in the form of a letter to Santa Claus, and calm ensued once more. Esmé started a mini science project measuring how quickly water beads grew, and AJ tried to converse with the French boy who had arrived on the boat next door but one.

After lunch we watched some videos on Go Zen,  a new website I have subscribed to which targets anxiety and gives children tools to deal with it. We're yet to see how effective it is but both kids enjoyed watching the videos.

We knew the French guys were heading to the beach at some point in the afternoon so we decided to take a walk that way too. AJ played in the waves while Esmé collected driftwood and shells as well as making sand angels.

After what seemed like an age, AJ came out of the water and got changed, only to find 15 minutes later that the French guys had arrived and so he wanted to swim again. Another pair of shorts soaked, and this time Esmé joined him.

Patrick rushed ahead back to the boat to get shower stuff ready and I walked back with the kids. Luckily the showers are nice and hot at the marina as the kids were starting to get cold!

As Patrick showered the kids I got a curry on the go as the wind started to build. As I went for my shower we got the red sun phenomenon that we had seen our UK friends post about earlier in the week. It was a beautiful sight but a sign of stronger winds to come.

Curry, followed by rice pudding, and hopefully an early night to finish off the day!

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