SV Laurin in The Netherlands

SV Laurin in The Netherlands

Thursday 6 July 2017

Day 23: 06/07/17 Delayed in Rouen

We got up at a sensible time to get fuel before the journey up the Seine towards Paris, however having said our goodbyes to our neighbours we motored round to the fuel pontoon to find a blank screen on the credit card operated fuel pump. Somewhat concerned we went to the office to find the new girl with limited English on duty. We tried to explain the problem and she called a technician but as the fuel pump is operated by an external company we had to wait.

In the mean time we considered if we had enough diesel to get to the next refuelling pump but as the engine and fuel tank are still relatively new we couldn't say with confidence that we would definitely make it. We decided we needed to refuel before leaving but had no real idea when the technician would arrive or if it would be a quick fix, so decided to wait on the fuel pontoon until 4pm and then try to get fuel in 10 litre canisters from a not so local fuel station.

We quickly ascertained that the thunderstorm the previous night had taken out all the 240V electrics along the pontoon and guessed that the technician just needed to flip a circuit breaker. I tried to explain this to the marina lady but she didn't really understand.

We had lunch and encouraged the kids to sleep. Esme kept prancing about but eventually collapsed on the cabin sole.  Then, just as the heavens opened, a German boat shouted at us to move and no amount of explaining that the fuel didn't work would dissuade them so we moved Laurin up the pontoon and they came alongside behind us. They had been told something about 4pm! So at about 4pm we popped our heads up to see the marina lady trying to open a box at the top of the ramp whilst talking to somebody on the phone. Patrick went to take a look and came running down the pontoon saying they were trying to get into a box but they had no key, but he thought he had. Unbeknown to me he had put one of his old highways maintenance keys in the toolbag. 5 minutes later and the fuel was working!

Fuelled up we returned to our berth and Phaon and Annabelle of Growl Tiger kindly had the kids over for a while again after taking our lines. We retrieved them just in time for tea and then invited the Growl Tigers over for drinks. A lovely evening talking about our proposed plans. They are unfortunately stuck for a few more days waiting for a fuel pump but we will possibly cross paths again in Paris.

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