SV Laurin in The Netherlands

SV Laurin in The Netherlands

Monday 24 July 2017

Day 42: 24/07/17 Another day in Meaux

Having done a little planning for the next few days we realised that our plan to stay a few days in Epernay could be adjusted to save money. We only really need to be there for a night or 2 at the most (to visit the champagne cellars) but were planning on staying longer to get shopping and washing done. In Inland Waterways terms Epernay is expensive at 20 Euro's a night, where-as Meaux is free and has a laundrette a short walk away as well as free entertainment for the kids.

So decision made, the kids and I got on with school this morning while Patrick went on a fruitless search for camping gaz. Once lunch was over and our daily reading of "Grammarland" the kids had their daily electronics fix. It was a drizzly day but there seemed to be a weather window for a couple of hours so we donned raincoats and headed to the activity area. Half way there the heavens opened so we paused a while under a tree before deciding to carry on regardless as the rain eased but didn't stop. By the time we got to the activities there was not much open but over the next half hour it sprang to life again and we did golf, table tennis, diablo, and then the kids asked to go on the very wet bouncy castle. We agreed and they had a whale of a time. As they were so wet I asked AJ if he wanted to go on the giant slide which had water sprinklers on and this time he said yes. Esmé who was not really tall enough managed to squeeze on too.

The kids enjoyed slide after slide before being asked to leave so others could try, bounced on the castle again and then came back to the slide until eventually we had to take them back to the boat for an early tea so I could go to the laundrette. 11 Euro's and 2 hours later we have a shopping trolley full of clean clothes!

Ready to move eastwards tomorrow but unfortunately too late to meet our good friends Russ and Tracie who we had hoped to catch up with on their way to the South of France. Really hope we can meet on their way back.

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